Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's NEW!

This Blog Has a New Address -- Visit it and Post  easy to remember and NOT case sensitive

We had to move it because this free site hosted by Google required that you have a Gmail account in order to post. Anyone can post on the new WordPress hosted site, and the NOT case sensitive name above is easy to remember. 

Visit our new site and post. We had 733 visitors to this site in the first two days it was running. 

I have never even visited a Blog, and now I have one.

Since 2 off the 3 County County Commissioners appear set on suppressing public comment on important issues; and the local newspapers don't always have the time, space, or perhaps the inclination to publish both sides of an issue, I have created this blog.

It's intended to be a place where anyone can discuss and share opinions without fear of suppression or censorship.

So who is going to be the first to post??